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Get Spring Clean your Site for just $9

Special one-time offer, only $19!
Ready to brush the digital dust off your website with easy and strategic updates to help you land more subscribers and clients?
With Spring Clean your Site, you'll polish up your home page, spiffy up your about page, spruce up your service pages, freshen up your website strategy and get everything in tip-top shape in an afternoon!

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Website Copy Magic
Ready to write your website copy with ease?

Feeling stuck writing the copy for your website? Let's fix that! 

Website Copy Magic will help you write copy that opens the wallets of your dream clients in 7 short, actionable videos plus your own copywriting workbook.


Find your voice, which makes writing your website copy so much easier!

Map out your website so you know exactly what you need to include where

Write killer Home, About, Service and Contact pages that leave your visitors wanting more

Decide what other pages you need on your website and what to include on them

Get plenty of copywriting tips that will get your visitors taking action


"I didn't have a website and was feeling a bit daunted and had no idea where to start. This was really helpful for me to start mapping out a structure for my website. You've given me so many great ideas, thank you!"

Parent Coach

"This was so practical and helpful. I've finally done a big update on my website thanks to your great advice. I love it!"

Health Coach

I'm Jessica Haines and I'm on a mission to make the internet more beautiful and profitable for women in service-based businesses through strategic branding, conversion-focused websites and SEO strategy.

  • Total payment
  • 1xWebsite Copy Magic$127

All prices in USD
